Welcome to the Insulator Photo Album
Here, you'll find photos of some of our insulators, insulator hunts (when we're able to actually hunt..), go-withs, and wahtever other insulator related photos I decide to post. I'm going to just use in-line images rather than do the usual "click on a thumbnail" type album. The album section will consist of multiple pages, rather than one super-long page to scroll through.
Enjoy the photos!
This is a mid-span transposition bracket used to cross - or transpose - parallel wires to avoid crosstalk. These brackets use 4 of the CD-1049 spools like the one on the right. |
Here's a fallen pole near Vassar, Kansas, with a crossarm-mounted tramp bracket & CD-1049s. Needless to say, the bracket and spools are now part of our collection! |
I'm in the process of "rescuing" a nice light green Hemingray petticoat near Vassar, Ks. |
Here I am, grinning like a cheshire cat, with my booty - a light green Hemingray petticoat beehive, and a CD-147 spiral. |
In October, 2000, we spent a great day with Pat Scott kicking around St. Louis. Here, Pat is doing his civic duty by cleaning up glass from around this fallen pole. |
Jolene is busy putting insulators on our table at a swap in Independence, Ks. |
Brian Riecker checks out some colorful glass on the light table at the swap meet. |
We found this partly fallen pole near Paola, KS. The light green insulator is a Hawley. The Hawley and all of the other glass on this pole came home with us. |
All content, including photographs and graphics © 2005 by Rod Shelley.