(Disclaimer: This presentation does not advocate, endorse, guarantee, imply nor infer any person can safely climb utility poles based solely on reading its content. It is for informational purposes only.)
Competitors in the 17th annual International Lineman's Rodeo and Expo rescue weighted dummies representing injured lineman on Sept. 9, 2000. More than 200 teams competed in the three-day event in Bonner Springs, Kansas. Courtesy: Terry Barner - The Examiner
Factoid: The rotary dial telephone actually makes use of digital technology whereas the touch-tone phone does not. The pulses generated by the rotary dial are fundamentally digital signals. The number of pulses generated is determined by how far the dial ring is rotated to the finger stop. Dial "1" and you generate one pulse; dial "9" and you generate a serial stream of nine pulses. It is the so-called modern touch-tone phone that uses analog technology in its dialing scheme. The DTMF (Dual-Tone, Multiple Frequency) audio is an algebraically combined analog signal.
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Last Revision Date: February 12, 2011
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