Bihar type strain pole Paks-Martonvásár  |
Bihar type pole Sajószöged-Ukrainen border  |
Földvár & Cseh type poles Albertirsa-Martonvásár I Alberirsa-Martonvásár II (dead) Albertirsa-Göd I Albertirsa-Göd II  |
Földvár type river crossing pole Alberirsa-Martonvásár I Alberirsa-Martonvásár II (dead)  |
Duna type strain pole Paks-Toponár Paks-Litér  |
Fenyõ type pole from up Békéscsaba-Romanian border  |
Ipoly type pole Sajószöged-Ukrainen border  |
Mátra type poles Paks-Toponár Paks-Litér  |
Mátra type strain pole Sándorfalva-Serbian border  |
Szentes type pole Martonvásár-Litér  |
Trio, last strain pole on the Ukrainen border Trio is in Hungary, the next is in Ukraine Sajószöged-Ukrainen border  |
Fenyõ type strain pole under fault test Hévíz-Croatian border I Hévíz-Croatian border II  |
Cseh type train pole Alberirsa-Göd I Alberirsa-Göd II  |
Fenyõ type pole Békéscsaba-Romanian border  |
Bihar type & strain poles Paks-Martonvásár Paks-Litér Paks-Toponár  |
Földvár & Fenyõ type strain poles Paks-Martonvásár Paks-Litér Paks-Toponár Paks-Pécs II Paks-Pécs I Paks-Sándorfalva Paks Nuclear Power Plant Substation  |
Fenyõ type poles Békéscsaba-Romanian border
The first 2 poles are in Hungary, the other type poles are in Romania (Donau type German design poles)  |