St. Louis, MO

Insulators Home > 'In Action' Line Photos > St. Louis, MO

AmerenUE's and old city fire alarm poles
in St. Louis, MO
Photos and captions from Pat Scott

A pole from the old fire alarm line, where a fire alarm box would have been, hence the dead ended wires and bundle of wires under the arm that used to go to the box. Insulators: Brookfield CD 133, Hemingray blue CD 134 Hemingray 18, Pennycuick CD 134, and a Hemingray CD 162. It is located just south of downtown St. Louis. (2003)

AmerenUE 4 kV pole located at Angelica and Broadway in St. Louis. Insulators: two brown triple petticoats, a pole top pin with a brown Locke, and a spool rack with a neutral and two secondaries. (April 2004)

AmerenUE 4 kV single phase pole with secondary racks and a St. Louis Fire Department fire alarm crossarm below. St. Louis, MO. (June 8, 2000)


Insulators Home > 'In Action' Line Photos > St. Louis, MO

Contact: A.C. Walker