Telephone equipment of W.W.I
and W.W.II
Hand set D 14842 Pat. USA
Aug. 18, 1903
On crank
Pat in USA
11 25 13

EE8 in use during battle.
EE-8 in leather bag
[picture donated by Mike Brueckmann]
EE-8 in canvas bag
[picture donated by Mike Brueckmann]
The EE-8-B has a handset TS-13-E with transmitter
141914 W.E.Co. 6/42 and receiver D-141915 WECO 7 10 42
The EE-8-A handset TS-9-F has a receiver made
by American Microphone Company Ltd. Sep 1943 type 113. The
transmitter is type 1118.
Some advise for purchasers of EE-8 phones:

The biggest thing that can go wrong is corrosion.
Next would be the handset cord. That can be easily fixed if you're not
trying to make it appear original. The rest of the insides is pretty tough.
I'd be real surprised if you can't get them to work. One little feature
which some people don't know is when you turn the crank only the OTHER
phone rings. Yours doesn't ring. The handset has a butterfly switch which
you must press in order to talk. While you have this switch operated the
battery is being used. Otherwise, the batteries have no drain. It will
not talk without batteries, but it will crank, ring and listen. There is
one more switch. It is labeled CB or LB. This switch changes the mode from
Common Battery to Local Battery. In CB mode, the hanger for the handset
is in the circuit. You could connect the phone as an extension to your
household telephone line and answer calls. It will ring and talk (provided
the batteries are in it - yes in CB mode the batteries are still required
to talk). In LB mode, the handset hang-up switch is disabled for normal
magneto phone operation. The schematic is available below and is a photo
of the one inside one of my units. It may help illustrate how the CB-LB
switch works. One caveat, if you hook it up as an answer-only extension
to your home phone, it is very easy to NOT hang up the handset properly
making your line appear busy to callers.
Remember to oil the things that turn in the
magneto. It will help a whole lot.
Info from jstevens/ee8
Kellogg made EE91 field phone
[picture donated by Mike Brueckmann]
Connecticut made TP6A
[picture donated by Mike Brueckmann]
North made TP6A
[picture donated by Mike Brueckmann]
Camp phone Model A made by Western
[picture donated by Mike Brueckmann]
to military phones
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