Telephone Travels and Insulator Adventures

We left our island home and started the trip with a ferry ride up the Inside Passage through Southeast Alaska.  This is a archipelago that follows the coastline from the town of Ketchikan north to Skagway.

Southeast Alaska Map
Our first stop was the home of another insulator collector, Dale Rose.  He gave us a ride through downtown Petersburg, to the beautiful home that he and his wife Carolyn share.  Insulators where in evidence from the start, with many common CD’s being used in his garden.  They made a nice balance to the glass floats scattered here and there in the well-tended beds.
Dale showed us the different arrangements of CD’s used in and around the house.  He also had the set of McDougald reference books that I had not yet purchased.  It was nice to be able to preview those, since I was new to insulator collecting.  Phones had been a part of my life for a while.  I hadn’t paid much attention to insulators until I was led to from Chuck Eby’s Telephone History website.
My husband took special note of a 3-step arrangement made of wood that sat on top of the entertainment center in their livingroom.  Little white Christmas lights poked up through holes drilled in the base of a wooden three-stair arrangement.  When a glass insulator was placed on the stair over the light it made quite a display!  It must be something to sit and contemplate on the long dark winter nights.  They were generous hosts and we greatly enjoyed our visit.
Next, onto Skagway, Alaska.



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